Benefits of Coaching
What is Coaching?
Coaching is a collaborative partnership between a coach and a willing individual, which connects at the deeply personal level of beliefs, values, and vision.
Coaching supports individuals to strengthen their leadership skills, improve professional satisfaction, find work-life balance, or find ways to build on their strengths.
- Safe and confidential
- Develop a meaningful relationship with your coach
- Personalized professional development that is easily accessible
- Assessments to identify strengths and growth opportunities
- Accountability structure with practical action steps
- Challenged to stretch beyond your comfort zone
- Evidenced-based strategies
Benefits of Coaching
Improved Personal Life
Develop a deeper sense of compassion for yourself and learn to prioritize your own needs, wants, and dreams. Relationships with yourself and others improve.
Improved Clinical Life
Start to feel more connected with your patients. Feel less frazzled and overwhelmed at work.
Other benefits of coaching include:
- Major improvements in emotional fatigue and focus
- Improved ability to sleep
- Improved self-compassion and self-kindness
- Enhanced ability to manage family life and home setting
- Skill building around assessing the current situation and pausing before responding
- Hosting difficult conversations
- Improved understanding of themselves as a leader
- Leading from within
- Management and people skills as a formal leader
Coaching to Reduce Physician Burnout
In more than 2,300 responses to the CMA’s 2021 National Physician Health Survey, female physicians are reporting higher levels of burnout compared to their male peers.
A 2008 article published in the Canadian Family Physician journal suggests that a physician coach can be a catalyst for change to help a physician build resiliency. Resiliency is a key factor that helps reduce burnout.
Both the Canadian Medical Association 2021 National Physician Health survey (above) and the 2022 Physician Foundation Survey reveal the challenging realities physicians experience and how critical it is to provide transformative support to help physicians survive and thrive.
Professional coaching may be an effective strategy to reduce burnout and improve well-being for physicians. This clinical trial showed that participants who received professional coaching had a significant reduction in emotional exhaustion and overall symptoms of burnout, as well as improvements in overall quality of life and resilience.